Roddy the Rover – Poem about Newmarket

A poem about Newmarket by Aodh de Blácam who wrote under the pseudonym Roddy the Rover:


Newmarket’s the name of a number of places,

Even one that is famous for fashions and races,

But get in your car and career ‘till you park it

In sweet County Cork in the noblest Newmarket.


Great Councilor Curran once lived in this city,

Where the bread made him fat and the brew made him witty

And the Monks of the Screw, though they tried to keep dark it,

Could unscrew the inscrutable town of Newmarket.


Its satellite suburbs are Millstreet and Mallow,

It even looks down on Kanturk on the Allow.

Bards boast it, birds sing it, cows moo it, dogs bark it,

Hip – hurrah, tweet tweet, moo moo and bow wow Newmarket.