Parish Archive

Parish Newsletter 6th September 2015

Monday, September 7th, 2015


  • Sat.  7.30pm:      Maura O’Connor, Island Rd.
  • Sun 10.00am:     Timmy Bodie, Glenamuckla.
  • Sun 11.30am:     Biddy Hallinan, Scarteen  her husband Jack and daughter Teresa.
  • Sat.  7.30pm:      Months mind mass for the late Mary Gillman, Curraduff
  • Sun 10.00am:     Neily Fitzpatrick, Meelin & his sons Mossie & Frank.
  • Sun 11.30am:     Michael O’ Sullivan, Meenishal.
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday &   Saturday – Mass at 10am.
  • Thursday – Liturgy of the Word.

LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTION: OFFERTORY: €1,967.00. SHRINES: €243.00. DIOCESAN FUND :  €000.00. SPECIAL COLLECTION: €000.00 Sincere thanks for your generosity.

NATIONAL EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS: Will take place at Knock Shrine from 26th to 27th September on the theme ‘Christ, our Hope’. A bus from Kanturk will travel on Saturday 26th leaving at 7am. For more information contact Betty on 087-2572064 or Ellen on 086-3709691.

GRANDPARENTS PILGRIMAGE: Will take place at Knock Shrine on Sunday 13th September commencing at 2.30pm with anointing of the sick followed by mass at 3pm.

CHOIR PRACTICE: Will resume on Monday 14th September at 7.30pm. All members are asked to attend and new members are most welcome.

THANK YOU: Fr. Francis appreciates and thanks you for the kindness and support shown to him over the last 12 months.


Friday 2nd October @ 7.30pm: Coolagh, The Commons, Meenatarriffe, Gortnaglough and Toureencormack at the home  of Patrick & Mary Murphy.

Monday 5th October @ 7.30pm: Glenlara and Relahan at the home of Tony & Joan O’Keeffe.

Friday 16th October @ 8pm: Killowen, Priory and Barleyhill Lower at the home of Ollie & Deirdre Clifford.

Friday 23rd October @8pm: The Island and Liscongil at the home of Josephine O’ Keeffe.

Tuesday 27th October @ 7.30pm: Mountkeeffe and Knockduff at the home of Tom & Mary Cussen.

Other families wishing to host a Station Mass    in their area are asked to contact the Parish Office on 029- 22679 to arrange.

PARENT, BABY & TODDLER GROUP: Will recommence on Wednesday 9th September from 10.30am to 12.30pm in the CYMS hall for Parents/ Childminder’s and children from 0-5yrs

DUHALLOW WALKS: The following organised walks will take place   in September . To register contact 029-60633. Mullaghereirk – 8th. Island Wood – 9th. Source of the Blackwater -10th. Mount Hillary – 15th Clara Mountain -17th.

DUHALLOW FITNESS: Aerobic and Circuit classes will commence week beginning 7th September in Meelin and Kanturk for 6 weeks. Contact John on 086-3969981 for more details.

SHORT BUT SWEET: A family went out for lunch and wanted dessert. The waiter brought pie and ice cream to a little boy who said, “Thank you!” She said, “Oh, I love to hear thank you!” The boy replied, “Give me another scoop of ice cream and you’ll hear it again!”


“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” Robert Swan

“It’s like everything in football – and life. You need to look, You need to think, You need to move, You need to find space, You need to help others. It’s very simple in the end.” Johan Cryuff

“Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know” Pema Chodron

“I have spent my whole life scared, frightened of things that could happen, might happen, might not happen, 50 years I spent like that. Finding myself awake at three in the morning. But you know what? Ever since my diagnosis, I sleep just fine. What I came to realise is that fear, that’s the worst of it. That’s the real the enemy. So, get up, get out in the real world  and you kick that enemy as hard as you can.” Walter White [Breaking Bad]

“I find a duck’s opinion of me is very much influenced by whether or not I have bread.” Mitch Hedberg

“My only relief is to sleep. When I’m sleeping, I’m not sad, I’m not angry, I’m not lonely, I’m nothing.” Jillian Medoff

“In the soviet army, it takes more courage to retreat than advance.” Iosif Stalin

“ I put my heart and soul into my work and have lost my mind in the process”  Van Gogh

ONE SENTENCE SERMON: Some people aren’t loyal to you, they are loyal to their need for you – once their needs change, so does their loyalty.

WEBSITE OF THE WEEK: . Kidspot contains helpful advice and resources for parents and children returning to school – from healthy breakfasts to lunchbox ideas.









































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Parish Newsletter 30th of August 2015

Monday, August 31st, 2015


  • Sat.  7.30pm:      James & Sheila Quinn, Ballyduane.
  • Sun 10.00am:     Ben Lenihan, Meenigorman.
  • Sun 11.30am:     Agnes O’Keeffe, Clountycommade.
  • Sat.  7.30pm:      Maura O’Connor, Island Rd.
  • Sun 10.00am:     Timmy Bodie, Glenamuckla.
  • Sun 11.30am:     Biddy Hallinan, Scarteen, her husband Jack and daughter Teresa.
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday &   Saturday – Mass at 10am.
  • Thursday – Liturgy of the Word.

LAST WEEKENDS COLLECTION: OFFERTORY: €1,754.00. SHRINES: €116.00. DIOCESAN FUND : €000.00. SPECIAL COLLECTION: €000.00 Sincere thanks for your generosity.

FIRST FRIDAY: Next Friday 4th September is First Friday. Both morning masses, Taur at 9am and Newmarket at 10am will be offered as November masses for the dead. The sick of the parish will be visited on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday next week.

CLONFERT CLEAN UP: The monthly clean up of Clonfert  cemetery will take place on Saturday 5th September from 10am to 1pm. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

MONTHLY MASS: In honor of St. Pio of Pietrelcina will be held in St. Joseph’s Church, Lismire on Wednesday 2nd September at 8pm. All welcome.

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL: Will hold their church gate collection before masses next weekend 5th & 6th September. Please give a little it will help a lot.

NATIONAL EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS: Will take place at Knock Shrine from 26th to 27th September on the theme ‘Christ, our Hope’.

GRANDPARENTS PILGRIMAGE: Will take place at Knock Shrine on Sunday 13th September commencing at 2.30pm with anointing of the sick followed by mass at 3pm.

ST. THERESE OF LISIEUX: Day retreat led by Fr. Pat Collins will take place on Saturday 19th September from 10am to 5pm in the Town Hall, Mitchelstown.

NEWMARKET SET DANCING GROUP: Registration for the coming year will take place on Friday 4th September from 3.30pm to 5pm in the CYMS hall for children from senior infants to Leaving Cert.

KNITTING & CROCHET CLASSES: Knitting, Crochet & Craft classes will recommence in Newmarket Library on Friday 4th September from 10.30am – 12noon. All welcome

AUTUMN STATION MASSES: COUNTRY STATIONS: Other families wishing to host a Station Mass in their area are asked to contact the Parish Office on 029- 22679 to arrange.

  • Friday 2nd October @ 7.30pm: Coolagh, The Commons, Meenatarriffe, Gortnaglough and Toureencormack at the home  of Patrick & Mary Murphy.
  • Monday 5th October @ 7.30pm: Glenlara and Relahan at the home of Tony & Joan O’Keeffe.
  • Friday 16th October @ 8pm:  Killowen, Priory and Barleyhill Lower at the home of Ollie & Deirdre Clifford.
  • Friday 23rd October @8pm: The Island and Liscongil at the home of Josephine O’ Keeffe.
  • Tuesday 27th October @ 7.30pm: Mountkeeffe and Knockduff at the home of Tom & Mary Cussen.

SHORT BUT SWEET: A Priest sent in his apologies for the Sunday morning service, claiming that he was ill with flu. One of the members however said he had seen the Priest on his way to a football game. After the service, the minister went to visit the Priest, “Father,” he said, “I have information that you were not sick at all this morning, but went to watch a football game.” The Priest protested: “That’s a vicious lie! And I’ll show you my FISH to prove it!”


“There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an exam and finish with   education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die is  process of learning.” J. Krishnamaurti

“It takes both sides to build a bridge.” Fredrick Nael

“A hero can be anyone. Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting  a coat around a little boy’s shoulder to let him know the world hadn’t ended.” Bruce Wayne

“6+3=9 but so does 5+4. The way you do things isn’t always the only way to do them. Respect other peoples way of thinking.” Comedyorjoke

“I used to believe that prayer changes things, but now I know that prayer changes us and we change things.” Mother Theresa

“The best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other.”  Jane Blaustone

“Sometimes, the most brilliant and intelligent students do not shine in standardised tests   because they do not have standardised minds.” Diane Ravitch

WEBSITE OF THE WEEK: A blog from the United States Catholic Bishops.

ONE SENTENCE SERMON: Labels are for jars not people !





Parish Newsletter 23rd August 2015

Monday, August 24th, 2015


  • Sat.  7.30pm:      Margaret Cogan, Killowen.
  • Sun 10.00am:     Months mind mass for the late Joan O’ Keeffe, Scarteen.
  • Sun 11.30am:     Nicky & Danny Kenneally, Glenlara.
  • Sat.  7.30pm:      James & Sheila Quinn, Ballyduane.
  • Sun 10.00am:     Ben Lenihan, Meenigorman.
  • Sun 11.30am:     Agnes O’Keeffe, Clountycommade.
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday &   Saturday – Mass at 10am.
  • Thursday – No 10am mass or Liturgy of the Word.

LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTION: OFFERTORY: €1,819.00. SHRINES: €282.00. DIOCESAN FUND : €000.00. THE ASSUMPTION:€1,064.00.  Sincere thanks for your generosity.

DEATH: We offer our sincere sympathy and prayers to the family of the late Nora McAuliffe, Castlecourt & Glenamuckla who died recently. May she rest in peace.

NATIONAL EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS: Will take place at Knock Shrine from 26th to 27th September on the theme ‘Christ, our Hope’.

AUTUMN STATION MASSES: Families wishing to host a Station Mass in their area are asked to contact the Parish Office on 029- 22679 to make the necessary arrangements.

NEWMARKET PIPE BAND: Would like to thank all those in Newmarket and Taur for your kind generosity following their recent church gate collection.

BACK TO SCHOOL: We wish all students returning to school and college the best of luck in the coming year. The following schools will re-open on the dates shown.

  • Newmarket Boys’ & Girls’ Schools -Tuesday, 1st September.
  • Boherbue Comprehensive School – Monday, 31st August – 1st years only. Tuesday, 1st Sept. -  2nd , 3rd  and Leaving Cert students only. Wednesday, 2nd Sept – 1st Year, T.Y. and 4th year students only. Thursday, 3rd Sept. – All students.
  • Scoil Mhuire, Kanturk – Friday, 28th August – 1st years only. Monday, 31st August – 2nd & 5th year only. Tuesday, 1st Sept. – 3rd & 6th year only. Wednesday, 2nd Sept. – All classes.
  • Coláiste Treasa, Kanturk: Thursday 27th August – 1st years only. Friday 28th August -  1st, 2nd and 3rd years only. Monday 31st August – 5th & 6th years only. Tuesday 1st September -  All students including T.Y.

HERITAGE WEEK 2015: The following events will take place locally  during heritage week – 22nd to 30th August. Vintage Open Day & Agri Museum - On Sunday, 23rd August from 12 noon to 5pm in the JOK Institute. Special guest Alice Taylor. Duhallow Town and Village Survey Project – For survey forms contact James on 029-60633. Sliabh Luachra Cultural Trail Bus Tour  – Will depart Bruach Na Carraige, Rockchapel on Sunday, 30th August at 2pm. Register with James on 029-60633.


“And me? I still believe in paradise. But now at least I know it’s not some place you can look for. Because it’s not where you go. It’s how you feel for a moment in your life when you’re a part of something. And if you find that moment….it lasts forever.”Leonardo DiCaprio

“If you were lucky, you might meet someone who was exactly right for you. Not because he was perfect, or because you were, but because your combined flaws were arranged in a way that allowed two separate beings to hinge together.” Lisa Kleypas

“We must not become complacent over any success. We should check our complacency and constantly criticize our shortcomings, just as we should wash our faces or sweep the floor every day to remove the dirt and keep them clean.” Mao Zedong

“We don’t find love, it finds you. It’s got a little bit to do with destiny, fate, and what’s written in the stars.”Anais Nin

“We all have two lives. The second one starts when we realise we only have one.” Tom Hiddleston

“You can’t always choose the path you walk in life, but you can always choose the manner in which you walk it.” John O’Leary

“The world is yours, as well as ours, but in the last analysis, it is yours. You young people, full of vitality, are in the bloom of life, like the sun at eight or nine in the morning. Our hope is placed on you. The world belongs to you.” Mao Zedong

ONE SENTENCE SERMON: You know why it’s hard to be happy? It’s because we  refuse to let go of the things that make us sad

WEBSITE OF THE WEEK: Strangeboat helps to promote organ donation through focusing on people and their stories – donor families,    recipients and those awaiting organs.

SHORT BUT SWEET!  A 4-year-old was fascinated by the various appliances that some of the elderly used—canes, walkers, wheelchairs. One day her mother found her staring at a pair of false teeth soaking in a glass. The mother braced herself for the inevitable question that was to come. Instead, her daughter turned and whispered: “The  tooth fairy is never going to believe this!”



Parish Newsletter 16th of August 2015

Monday, August 17th, 2015


  • Sat.  7.30pm:      Sheila Lane, Commons.
  • Sun 10.00am:     Con Pigott, Taur.
  • Sun 11.30am:     Months mind mass for the late Mossie Kenneally, Island Road.
  • Sat.  7.30pm:      Margaret Cogan, Killowen.
  • Sun 10.00am:     Months mind mass for the late Joan O’ Keeffe, Scarteen.
  • Sun 11.30am:     Nicky & Danny Kenneally, Glenlara.
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday &   Saturday – Mass at 10am.
  • Thursday – No 10am mass or Liturgy of the Word.

LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTION: OFFERTORY: €1,783.00. SHRINES: €142.00. DIOCESAN FUND : €000.00. SPECIAL COLLECTION: €000.00. Sincere thanks for your generosity.

BAPTISM: Welcome into our Christian community Gearóid Daniel O’Keeffe.

AUTUMN STATION MASSES: Families wishing to host a Station Mass in their area are asked to contact the Parish Office on 029- 22679 to make the necessary arrangements.

MILLSTREET MONUMENTS COMMITTEE: Will unveil a plaque to commemorate the centenary visit of Pádraig Pearse to Millstreet on 22nd of August 1915. The unveiling will take place on August 22nd 2015 at 7.30 p.m. outside Corkerys’ Bar, Millstreet and will launch Heritage Week in Duhallow. All welcome to attend.

BLOOD DONOR CLINIC: Will be held in Coláiste Treasa, Kanturk on Wednesday, 19th August from 3pm to 5pm and from 7pm to 9pm. Please come along and donate blood and help us cope with the increasing demand in the region.

PUBLIC MEETING: Newmarket Community Development Association will  hold a public information meeting in relation to the proposed new CCTV system for the town on Thursday, 20th August at 8pm in the CYMS. All members of the community are welcome to attend.

SHORT BUT SWEET: A woman was trying to get ketchup to come out of the jar. During her struggle, the phone rang so she asked her four-year-old daughter to answer it. “It’s the local priest, Mommy,” the child said to her mother. Then she added, “Mommy can’t come to the phone right now. She’s hitting the bottle.”

IRD DUHALLOW: Will host the following events in the near  future. For details contact 029-60633. Diabetes Seminar:  1st September @ 2.30pm. Stress Management & Wellness Planning: Please submit your names if interested. Financial Wellness Seminar: 23rd September @ 7.30pm. Basic Sign Language:  8 week course . CAO & College Choices: 1st October @ 7.30pm. After Schools Service: Monday to Friday from 2pm to 6pm


“A day can really slip by when you’re deliberately avoiding what you’re supposed to do.” Bill Watterson

“Better keep yourself clean and bright, you are the window through which you see the whole world. George Bernard Shaw

“You cannot be lonely if you like the person you are alone with.” Wayne Dyer

“It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.’ Bill Gates

“When you meet the one who changes the way your heart beats, dance to them to that rhythm for as long as the song lasts.” Kirk Diedrich

“To rephrase Tolstoy’s famous line, all happiness is alike, but each pain is painful in  its own way.’ Haruki Murakami

“Success is sometimes the outcome of a whole string of failures.” Vincent Van Gogh

“Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back.” Harvey MacKay

ONE SENTENCE SERMON: A bad attitude is like a flat tyre – you can’t go anywhere until you change it !

WEBSITE OF THE WEEK: The Rise foundation aims to support families with loves ones in addiction.


1. Your mother – who is the first person to welcome you into this world.

2. Your Father – who is the first person to go through all the hardships just to see you smile!

3. Your sibling – the first person to teach you  the art of ‘sharing and caring’.

4. Your friend – the first person to teach you  how to respect people with different opinions and viewpoints!

5. Your love – the first person to make you realise the value of sacrifice and compromise and the first one for whom you’ve to fight the world to be together.

6. Your children – the first little person to teach you how to be selfless and think about others before yourself.

7. Your grandchildren – the only creatures who make you want to live the life, all over again…
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Parish Newsletter 9th August 2015

Monday, August 10th, 2015


  • Sat.  7.30pm:      Dick Scanlan, Charleville Rd.
  • Sun 10.00am:     John Joe Reidy, Demense Avenue.
  • Sun 11.30am:     Eileen Fitzpatrick, Lisdangan.
  • Fri.  7.30pm:      John Joe & Eileen Curran, Church Street.
  • Sat 10.00am:     Special Intention.
  • Sat 11.30am:     David McAuliffe & deceased members of the McAuliffe family.
  • Sat.  7.30pm:      Sheila Lane, Commons.
  • Sun 10.00am:     Con Pigott, Taur.
  • Sun 11.30am:      Months mind mass for the late Mossie Kenneally, Island Road.
  • Monday- Liturgy of the Word at 10am.
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday – Mass at 10am.
  • Thursday – No 10am mass or Liturgy.
  • Saturday – Taur at 10am. Newmarket at 11.30am.

LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTION: OFFERTORY: €1,721.00. SHRINES: €206.00. DIOCESAN FUND : €368.00. SPECIAL COLLECTION: €000.00. Sincere thanks for your generosity.

WEDDING: Congratulations to Paddy O’ Toole and Linda O’Keeffe who were married recently.

AUTUMN STATION MASSES: Families wishing to host a Station Mass in their area are asked to contact the Parish Office on 029- 22679 to make the necessary arrangements.

THANK YOU: To the Dominican community of Athy for donating a crib to Taur Church. Pictures of the crib figures can be viewed on

COACH TO KNOCK: On Monday, 10th August to celebrate mass with Sr. Briege McKenna and Fr. Scallon. Contact Kealy’s on 029-79016 for bus information.

TAUR CENTENARY DVD: Of the Friday night mass and celebrations is available to purchase at Tadhg Ryans shop for €10.

NEWMARKET GIRLS’ SCHOOL: 90th Anniversary reunion dance will be held on Friday, 9th October in the Hiland. More details later.

STREET MUSEUM: Newmarket Street Museum will take place from Saturday 8th to 16th of August. This years theme is ‘work and play through the years’ .

LEAVING CERT RESULTS: Best wishes to all receiving their results in the coming week.

SIGNS ON CHURCH PROPERTY:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           “Come work for the Lord. The work is hard, the hours are long and the pay is low. But the retirement benefits are out of this world.”"Do not wait for the hearse to take you to church.”
“If you’re headed in the wrong direction, God allows U-turns.”
“If you don’t like the way you were born, try being born again.”
“This is a ch_ _ ch. What is missing?” — (U R)
“Forbidden fruit creates many jams.”
“In the dark? Follow the Son.”
“Running low on faith? Stop in for a fill-up.”
“If you can’t sleep, don’t count sheep. Talk to   the Shepherd.”

SHORT BUT SWEET: While checking his bags at the airport, a man became angry with the employee who handled luggage. For several minutes he belittled the young man and criticized his every move. Surprisingly, the curbside porter didn’t seem troubled by this man’s verbal abuse. After the angry man entered the airport, a woman approached the luggage handler and asked, “How do you put up with such injustice?” The young man said, “It’s easy. That guy’s going to New York, but I’m sending his bags  to Brazil.”


“The notion that a human being should be constantly happy is a uniquely modern, uniquely American, uniquely destructive idea.” Andrew Weil

“Nothing in life matters quite as much as you think it does while you are thinking about it. Daniel Kahneman”

“How admirable are those we don’t know well.” Millor Fernandes

“I shall learn the fine art of forgetting, which by now I know is not really about forgetting at all. It is about letting go.” E. Hicks

“You can’t eat beauty, it doesn’t sustain you. What is fundamentally beautiful is compassion, for yourself and those around you. That kind of beauty enflames the heart and enchants the soul.” Lupita Nyong’o

“Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because regret is stronger than  gratitude.” Anne Frank

“Guard your time fiercely. Be generous with it, but be intentional about it.” David Duchemin

ONE SENTENCE SERMON: The tans will fade but the memories will last forever !

WEBSITE OF THE WEEK: Meningitisnow is a charity offering support and raising awareness. Knowing the signs and symptoms of meningitis saves lives.

LEAVING CERT RESULTS: Best wishes to all receiving their results in the coming week.






Parish Newsletter 2nd of August 2015

Tuesday, August 4th, 2015


  • Sat.  7.30pm:      Jay Fleming, Scarteen.
  • Sun 10.00am:     Sheila Fitzpatrick, Taur.
  • Sun 11.30am:     Denny & Mary Browne, Guiney’s Terrace.
  • Sat.  7.30pm:      Dick Scanlan, Charleville Rd.
  • Sun 10.00am:     John Joe Reidy, Demense Avenue.
  • Sun 11.30am:     Eileen Fitzpatrick, Lisdangan.
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday – Mass at 10am.
  • Thursday – Liturgy of the Word at 10am.

LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTION: OFFERTORY: €2,001.00, SHRINES: €149.00,  DIOCESAN FUND : €000.00, SPECIAL COLLECTION: €000.00. Sincere thanks for your generosity.

Baptisms: Welcome into our Christian community Billy Kenneally and Saoirse Rose O’ Sullivan.

FIRST FRIDAY: Next Friday, 7th August is First Friday. Both morning masses, Taur at 9am and Newmarket at 10am will be offered as November masses for the dead. The sick of the parish will be visited on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday next week.

MONTHLY MASS: In honor of St. Pio of Pietrelcina will be held in  St. Joseph’s Church, Lismire on Wednesday, 5th August at 8pm. All welcome.

PARISH OFFICE: Please note the parish office will be closed on Bank Holiday Monday, 3rd August.

AUTUMN STATION MASSES: Families wishing to host a Station Mass in their area are asked to contact the Parish Office on 029- 22679 to make the necessary arrangements.

CLONFERT CEMETERY CLEANUP: Monthly clean up at Clonfert cemetery will take place on Saturday, 8th August from 10am to 1pm. Looking forward to seeing you there as there is a suitable job for all.

THANK YOU: To the Dominican community of Athy for donating a crib to Taur Church. Pictures of the crib figures can be viewed on

SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH: Will celebrate the Feast of St. Mary MacKillop with mass on August 7th at 5pm in the James O’ Keeffe Institute . Past pupils and friends are very welcome to attend.

COACH TO KNOCK: On Monday, 10th August to celebrate mass with Sr. Briege McKenna and Fr. Scallon. Contact Kealy’s on 029-79016 for bus information.

FRIENDS OF MALLOW HOSPITAL: The committee of The Friends of Mallow Hospital equipment fund wish to sincerely thank all those who generously contributed and volunteered to last weekends Church gate collection. Total amount collected in Newmarket & Taur was €1,699.50

STREET MUSEUM: Newmarket Street Museum will take place from Saturday 8th to 16th of August. This years theme is “work and play through the years” but we would love to see anything historic on your window display.

SCULLY FEST 2015: Will run from 7th to 10th of August. Visit for details.

NEWMARKET GIRLS’ SCHOOL: 90th Anniversary reunion dance will be held on Friday, 9th October in the Hiland.

SHORT BUT SWEET: While standing at attention during a parade, a private began to wave to the audience. The drill sergeant sternly warned the private, “Jones don’t ever do that again.” A few minutes later though, the private waved again. When the parade was over, the livid sergeant began to yell and scream at the soldier. He pointed out the dangers of disobeying a superior. Jones was still unremorseful. The instructor then yelled, “Boy, aren’t you afraid of me? Don’t you know what I could do to you?” Jones replied, “Oh yes sir, but you don’t know my mother.”


“A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.”  John C. Maxwell

“Every day it gets easier. But you got to do it everyday. That’s the hard part. But it does get easier.” Bojack Horseman

“No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up, and never give up.”  Regina Brett

“Some people are making such thorough preparation for rainy days that they aren’t enjoying today’s sunshine.” William Feather

“You’re going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it’s always their actions you should judge them by. It’s actions, not words, that matter.”  Nicholas Sparks

“We look into each other’s eyes as we shake.  His are still full of death and horror, but in them I see my face reflected, and inside my tiny eyes inside his, I think I see some hope.”   Ned Vizzini

“If you’re not going to be an authentic, unique version of yourself, who are you going to be?” Nick Flewings

ONE SENTENCE SERMON: I’ve learned to stop rushing things that need time to grow!

WEBSITE OF THE WEEK: Just-one strives to promote educational opportunities for disadvantaged and marginalised children in Nepal.

















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Parish Newsletter 26th of August 2015

Monday, July 27th, 2015


  • Sat.  7.30pm:      Thady O’ Connor, Commons.
  • Sun 10.00am:     Mary Geraldine Noonan,  Taur.
  • Sun 11.30am:     Dermot Linehan, Clonfert.
  • Sat.  7.30pm:      Jay Fleming, Scarteen.
  • Sun 10.00am:     Sheila Fitzpatrick, Taur.
  • Sun 11.30am:     Denny & Mary Browne,  Guiney’s Terrace.
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday – Mass at 10am.
  • Thursday – Liturgy of the Word at 10am.

LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTION: OFFERTORY: €1,906.00, SHRINES: €237.00,  DIOCESAN FUND : €000.00, PETER’S PENCE: €512.00. Sincere thanks for your generosity

MEDJUGORJE PILGRIMAGE: From September 2nd to September 9th. Pilgrimage accompanied by Spiritual directors. Contact Pat on 029-60221 or 087-2505528 for more details.

YOUTH 2000 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Will take place from 13-16th August in Cistercian College, Roscrea, Co.Tipperary. For young people aged 16-35, an opportunity not to be missed to experience the Catholic Faith and meet many new people. Donation only. See or phone 01-6753690.

THE PRIORY INSTITUTE: Theology Matters ! Study theology from home or in a classroom setting. Application deadline is 21st September 2015. phone 01-4048124 or Email

ST.VINCENT DE PAUL: Will hold their Church gate collection before masses next weekend, 1st and 2nd August. Please give a little it will help a lot. Confidential helpline is 087-9333212.

AUTUMN STATION MASSES: Families wishing to host a Station Mass in their area are asked to contact the Parish Office on 029- 22679 to make the necessary arrangements.

SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH: Will celebrate the Feast of St. Mary MacKillop with mass on August 7th at 5pm in the James O’ Keeffe Institute . Past pupils and friends are very welcome to attend.

SCULLY FEST 2015: Will run from 7th to 10th of August with live music sessions, workshops, drama, indoor market, food, street museum, drama and recitations. A full list of  events can be found at                                  

IRD AGM: IRD Duhallow will hold their Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 29th July 2015 at 8pm   at the James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket. The Directors of IRD Duhallow in recognition  of the strong role local communities and businesses play in the success of the Company are holding an open meeting with all members of Communities, Voluntary Groups and Businesses invited to attend.

SECRET GARDEN: A Poultry Sale at the Secret Garden, Newmarket will take place on Sunday 26th July from 2pm to 5pm. Tea Room open, lots of summer colour in stock. For more information call 029 60084 or

SHORT BUT SWEET: Six year old Molly complained to her mother that her stomach hurt. Realizing it was almost lunch time, Mom told Molly, “Your stomach is empty; you’ll feel better after you put something in it.” Later that evening, the local priest came over for a visit. During the conversation he mentioned he had a headache. Molly piped up with a solution: “That’s because it’s empty. You’ll feel better when you put something in it!”


  • “Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time but it ain’t going away.” Elvis Presley
  • “Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.”   G.  Flaubert
  • “If you want to be happy, you have to be happy on purpose. When you wake up, you can’t just wait to see what kind of day you’ll have. You have to decide what kind of day you’ll have.”    Joel Osteen
  • “There are too many people, and too few human beings.” Robert Zend
  • “It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.’ Jean-Luc Picard
  • “I honestly believe there is no such thing as self-made. I believe that is a term that does not exist. The people who have been around for my whole career have helped shape this moment. This night and this moment is for them.” Conor McGregor [Post - fight speech]
  • “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains awakened.” Anatole France

WEBSITE OF THE WEEK: On the 8th October 2011 Dessie sustained a spinal injury playing a hurling county semi-final with Charleville.

ONE SENTENCE SERMON: Nobody trips over mountains, it is the small pebble that causes you to stumble, pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain !

LOOKING BACK: Today, I interviewed my grandmother for part of a research paper I’m working on for my Psychology class. When I asked her to define success in her own words, she said ‘Success is when you look back at your life and the memories make you smile’





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Parish Newsletter 19th of July 2015.

Monday, July 20th, 2015


  • Sat.  7.30pm:      Frank Cogan, Killowen.
  • Sun 10.00am:     Theresa Goggin. Granavoraig.
  • Sun 11.30am:     Months mind mass for the late Maria O’ Dea, Priory Park.
  • Sat.  7.30pm:      Thady O’ Connor, Commons.
  • Sun 10.00am:     Mary Geraldine Noonan, Taur.
  • Sun 11.30am:     Dermot Linehan, Clonfert.
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday – Mass at 10am.
  • Thursday – Liturgy of the Word at 10am.

LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTION: OFFERTORY: €1,838.00,  SHRINES: €252.00,  DIOCESAN FUND : €000.00, SPECIAL COLLECTION: €000.00.  Sincere thanks for your generosity.

Baptism: Welcome into our Christian community Baby Libby Mae O’Doherty.

Deaths: We offer our sincere sympathy and prayers to the families of the late Joan O’ Keeffe, Scarteen and Mossie Kenneally, Island Road who died recently. May they rest in peace.

MEDJUGORJE PILGRIMAGE: From September 2nd to September 9th. Pilgrimage accompanied by Spiritual directors. Contact Pat on 029-60221 or 087-2505528 for more details.

YOUTH 2000 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Will take place from 13-16th August in Cistercian College, Roscrea, Co.Tipperary. For young people aged 16-35, an opportunity not to be missed to experience the Catholic Faith and meet many new people. Donation only. See or phone 01-6753690.

ST. BENEDICT’S PRIORY, COBH: Opportunities to share the life of their community for women discerning a vocation to religious life. Contact Mother Prioress on 021-4811354.

THE PRIORY INSTITUTE: Theology Matters ! Study theology from home or in a classroom setting. Application deadline is 21st  September 2015. Phone 01-4048124 or email

IRD DUHALLOW CYCLING SPORTIVE: The IRD Duhallow Cycling Sportive will take place on Saturday 25th July commencing from the James O’ Keeffe Institute, Newmarket. There are 3 routes to choose from on the day; 40km, 70km and a 110km. For further details please contact 029-60633. Entry fee €35.

90th ANNIVERSARY: Newmarket Girls School are planning their 90th year celebration and are hoping to put together a nostalgic trip down memory lane for its past pupils. If you have any old photo’s, stories or memorabilia from the school we would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact Catherine McCarthy on 086-38338059 or Norma Stritch or email the school at

SCULLY FEST 2015: Will run from 7th to 10th of August with live music sessions, workshops, drama, indoor market, food, street museum, drama and recitations.

SHORT BUT SWEET: A grandmother told her granddaughter, “Tomorrow, we’re going to Sunday school” ‘I don’t like Sunday school,” said the granddaughter. “We need to learn more about God,” replied the grandmother. The granddaughter said, “I learned about Him last week.” “I’ve been going to church all my life, and I haven’t learned enough,” said the grandmother. The granddaughter replied, “Well, maybe you weren’t paying attention!”


“I am waiting for the apologies you owe yourself, the beg for forgiveness to the body that has kept you alive. Too often you point your fingers at the flaws you think you find, too often you tear down when you should appreciate. Tell your legs you love them for the roads they have walked you down, tell your arms how thankful you will remain for all they’ve helped you carry. I cannot abide the insults thrown at the body that holds you; each piece is perfect and deserves to be told so.” Tyler Knott Gregson

“Alone isn’t a bad place to be, especially when it’s the alternative to distrust and unhappiness.” Carolyn Brown

“Of all the paths you take in life make sure a few of them are dirt.”  John Muir

“Look for three things in a person – intelligence, energy and integrity. If they don’t have the last one, don’t even bother with the first two.” Warren Buffet

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” John Lennon

“A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.” David Brinkley

“We humans have lost the wisdom of genuinely resting and relaxing. We worry too much. We don’t allow our bodies to heal, and we don’t allow our minds and hearts to heal.”  Thich Nhat Hanh

ONE SENTENCE SERMON: A child is like a butterfly in the wind….some can fly higher than others, but each one flies the best it can.

WEBSITE OF THE WEEK: First Things First is an organisation dedicated to strengthening family values.

NEVER STOP: Never stop caring about the little things in life, Never stop dreaming or give into strife , Never stop building bridges that leads to better tomorrow, Never stop trying or give into sorrow, Never stop feeling amazed at the beauty that surrounds you, Never stop hearing the music or give into the blues Never stop smiling and look forward to each new day ,Never stop shining in your own special way.

BE A WINNER: The Winner is always part of the answer, The Loser is always part of the problem. The Winner always has a programme, The Loser always has an excuse. The Winner says ‘Let me do it for you’ The Loser says ‘That is not my job’ The Winner sees an answer for every problem, The Loser sees a problem in every answer. The Winner sees a green near every sand trap, The Loser sees two or three sand traps near every green. The Winner says ‘It may be difficult,but it is possible’ The Loser says ‘ It may be possible, but it’s too      difficult’.



Parish Newsletter 5th July 2015

Monday, July 20th, 2015


  • Sat.  7.30pm:      Willie & Ita Walsh, Meens, their son Willie & Timothy & Betty O’ Callaghan, Banteer.
  • Sun 10.00am:     Special Intention.
  • Sun 11.30am:     Jerry Clifford, Killowen.
  • Sat.  7.30pm:      Eileen Enright Buckley, Duarigle.
  • Sun 10.00am:
  • Sun 11.30am:     Paddy Robert O’ Keeffe, Glenlara.
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday  & Saturday – Mass at 10am.
  • Thursday – NO 10am Mass or Liturgy of the Word.

Wedding: Congratulations to John Keohane & Cora Brosnan who were married recently.

Death: We offer our sincere sympathy and prayers to  the family of the late Mary Gillman, Curraduff who died recently. May she rest in peace.

LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTION: OFFERTORY: €1,972.00. SHRINES:  €93.00. DIOCESAN FUND : €000.00. SPECIAL COLLECTION: €000.00. Sincere thanks for your generosity.

MEDJUGORJE PILGRIMAGE: From September 2nd to September 9th. Pilgrimage   accompanied by Spiritual directors. Contact Pat on 029-60221 or 087-2505528 for more details.

TAUR CEMETERY MASS: Will take place on Tuesday, 7th July at 7.30pm. Please inform family members who now live outside the parish and would like to attend.

YOUTH 2000 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Will take place from 13-16th August in Cistercian College, Roscrea, Co.Tipperary. For young people aged 16-35 an opportunity not to be missed to experience the Catholic Faith and meet many new people. Donation only. See or phone 01-6753690.

NEWMARKET SUMMER FESTIVAL: Newmarket Summer Festival will close on Sunday, 5th July with a fireworks display at the West End. We would like to remind pet and animal owners  to keep your pets safely indoors. Thanks to everyone who supported our week long festival, it was a great success.

SUMMER OUTING: Newmarket Summer Outing will take place on Sunday, 19th July. Visiting Ballymaloe Shop & Gardens, Shanagarry, Garryvoe Beach & Mahon  Point for a bit of shopping – it’s guaranteed to be a great day out. Dinner will be served at the Wild Goose, Mallow. Contact Mary Stack on 029-60444 or Bridie Allen on 029-60425.

CAMP CELEBRATE: Bookings now being taken for camps which will take place in the CYMS hall on July 13th to 17th and July 27th to 31st for primary school children. Phone 086-1235928 or

IRD DUHALLOW: Will host a seminar on 9th July at 7.30 pm at the James O’ Keeffe Institute, Newmarket, on the Buildings of Cork – the talk will appeal to those with an interest in history, built heritage, architecture,    archaeology to a degree and our overall shared built inheritance. For more information phone 029-60633.

FREE ELECTRICAL RECYCLING DAY: WEEE Ireland will hold a free recycling day in Newmarket Church car park on Saturday, 11th July from 10am to 4pm. All household items with a plug or battery are accepted.

SHORT BUT SWEET:For her special day Janet received an expensive tube of anti wrinkle cream from her two teenage daughters. When she shared about her gift at a lunch with friends, they were all impressed that her girls were resourceful enough to get a prescription medication to help diminish wrinkles. Realizing this was such a unique gift, the ladies were curious as to what they gave her for last Mother’s Day. Without a moment’s hesitation Janet replied, “The wrinkles!”


“Until we have seen someone’s darkness we don’t really know who they are. Until we have forgiven someone’s darkness, we don’t really know what love is.”Marianne Williamson

“I don’t think anyone ever gets over anything in life; they merely get used to it.” Douglas Coupland

“The chances of me using my legs again are pretty bleak. Life is short and I intend to honour those who died by living the happiest and most fulfilling life possible.” Clodagh Cogley [ Berkeley survivor]

“If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn’t brood. I’d type a little faster.” Isaac Asimov

“As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good to my health – food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism. Today I know it is “Love Of Oneself.”” Charlie Chaplin

“Don’t dig up in doubt what you planted in faith.”   Elisabeth Elliot

“If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders.” Abigail Van Buren

“That’s always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people would want to be around someone because they’re pretty. It’s like picking your breakfast cereals based on colour instead of taste. John Green

ONE SENTENCE SERMON: This summer, put your phone away for a few days, make some memories that no-one knows about, make some memories that are just yours.

A TODDLER’S RULES OF OWNERSHIP: 1. If I like it, it’s mine. 2. If it’s in my hand, it’s mine. 3. If I can take it from you, it’s mine. 4. If I had it a little while ago, it’s mine. 5. If it’s mine, it must never appear to be yours in any way. 6. If I’m doing or building something, all the pieces are mine. 7. If it looks just like mine, it’s mine. 8. If I saw it first, it’s mine. 9. If you are playing with something and you put it down, it automatically becomes mine. 10. If it’s broken, it’s yours.

ONE SENTENCE SERMON: This summer, put your phone away for a few days, make some memories that no-one knows about, make some memories that are just yours !

WEBSITE OF THE WEEK: Find out what’s on in Ireland this summer in Discover Ireland and don’t let these glorious days pass you and your family by.



Parish Newsletter 28th of June 2015

Monday, June 29th, 2015


  • Sat.  7.30pm:      Joe O’Connor, High Street.
  • Sun 10.00am:     Special Intention.
  • Sun 11.30am:     Christina Sandell nee Flaherty, London & late of Duarigle, recently deceased.
  • Sat.  7.30pm:      Willie & Ita Walsh, Meens, their son Willie & Timothy & Betty O’ Callaghan, Banteer.
  • Sun 10.00am:     Special Intention.
  • Sun 11.30am:     Jerry Clifford, Killowen.
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday – Mass at 10am.
  • Thursday – Liturgy of the Word at 10am.

MEDJUGORJE PILGRIMAGE: From September 2nd to September 9th. Pilgrimage   accompanied by Spiritual directors. Contact Pat on 029-60221 or 087-2505528 for more details.

ORDINATION: Bishop William Crean will ordain Deacon Eamon  Roche (Imogeela Parish) to the priesthood in St. Coleman’s Cathedral, Cobh on Sunday, 5th July at 2.30pm. This event is a joyous celebration for all of    the Cloyne Diocese and all are invited to attend.

TAUR CEMETERY MASS: Will take place on Tuesday, 7th July at 7.30pm. Please inform family members who now live outside    the parish and would like to attend.

MONTHLY MASS: In honor of St. Pio of Pietrelcina will be held in St. Joseph’s Church, Lismire on Wednesday, 1st July at 8pm. All welcome.

FIRST FRIDAY: Next Friday, 3rd July is First Friday. Both morning masses, Taur at 9am and Newmarket at 10am will be offered as November masses for the dead. The sick of the parish will be visited on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday next week.

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL: St. Vincent De Paul will hold their church gate collection before masses next weekend, 4th & 5th July. Please give a little it will help a lot.

THANK YOU: Newmarket Parent & Toddler group would like to thank everyone who supported their recent Ice Cream Day in aid of Down Syndrome Ireland. A total of €338.62 was collected.

IRISH  BLOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICE: Would like to thank the donors who attended their recent clinic in Millstreet. Donors, together with the families, friends & neighbours that support them, make up a community that brings life and hope to hospital patients every day.

NEWMARKET SUMMER FESTIVAL: Newmarket Summer Festival runs from Friday 26th June to Sunday 5th July. The ten day festival is jam packed with fun activities suitable for all the family and Spin City Fun Fair is open nightly at the West End Park. A programme of events is available at local outlets or from the festival office. We would like to remind pet and animal owners that there is a fireworks display on the closing night, so please ensure that your pets are safely indoors. Also, there are limited tables    available for this year’s American Tea Party in the CYMS Hall on Saturday 4th July. Music is by The Kelt. To book contact Noreen at 087-7593283 or any committee member.

BRU COLUMBANUS: Will hold a summer’s evening of music at the Quad at UCC on Saturday,  4th July at 8pm featuring the   Celtic tenors, Peter Corry and Alex Sharpe. Tickets €30. All proceeds in aid of Bru Columbanus.

IRISH CANCER SOCIETY: Would like to thank all who contributed to their recent Church Gate collection. A total of  €640.00 was collected. Your generosity is much appreciated

SECRET GARDEN: Free Gardening Workshop – Success with Roses -  on Sunday 28th June 3pm. Come along for advice on growing them well without resorting to chemicals!

HOLIDAYS: We wish everyone a relaxed, happy and safe time during this holiday period.

SHORT BUT SWEET: Little Nancy was in the garden filling in a hole when her neighbour peered over the fence. Interested in what the little girl was up to, he politely asked, “What are you up to there, Nancy?” “My goldfish died,” replied Nancy tearfully, without looking up, “and I’ve just buried him.” The neighbour was concerned. “That’s an awfully big hole for a goldfish, isn’t it?” Nancy patted down the last heap of earth and then replied, “That’s because he’s inside your stupid cat!”

SOME THOUGHTS FOR THE WEEK: “Challenges are what make life interesting and  overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”  Joshua J. Marine

“In emergencies it is best to remain calm. Stay informed and focused on the situation at hand. Exercise patience with those you encounter. Be a Good Samaritan and helpful to others.” National Weather Service

“You only have control over three things in your life – the thoughts you think, the images you visualize, and the actions you take.” Jack Canfield

“Find something you’re passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.” Julia Child

“Cancer didn’t bring me to my knees, it brought me to my feet.” Michael Douglas [Actor and survivor of throat cancer]

“Givers have to set limits because takers rarely do.” Irma Kurtz

“There is enough heartache and sorrow in this life without adding to it through our own stubbornness, bitterness and resentment.” Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“I hold a hope in me that the reason we all feel so heavy is that we carry a little piece of each other inside us.”  Christopher Poindexter

ONE SENTENCE SERMON: I am thankful for the difficult people in my life, they have shown me exactly who I don’t want to be

WEBSITE OF THE WEEK: Bullying can affect you in many ways. Bullying can happen anywhere and to anyone. Help stop bullying at school, online, and in the community.